The new view

The new view Originally uploaded by itsjustanalias.

I had an hour with Pilar going over the contract. It was fairly straightforward, the sort of stuff you’d find in any rental contract, but I guess it pays to take your time with that sort of stuff. After that we went through the inventory. Pilar had said soy meticulosa… and she wasn’t kidding, we spent a few minutes in each room where I learned that, among other things, that mueble mural is fitted cupboards, cabecero is a headboard, un somier is a bed base, on which the colchón rests. I learned that visillos are net curtains and un especiero-portarrollos is a kitchen paper dispenser.

But it´s worth it for the apartment. I can hear the clock striking nine now, Pilar said it would stop at night, but it´s still light and I guess, seeing as we´re in Spain, nine is still really early.

After Pilar left, I went for a walk. On my street, on my block, there´s a supermarket, five bars, a bathroom fittings shop, a tea specialist, a fruteria, a cheese shop and a half dozen office blocks. In my building I think there´s the institute for foot health. Up the hill, on the next block, there is a Lidl, a tatoo parlour, a few clothes shops, pharmacies and a few more bars, one of which has a guinness sign. I bought some spicy very smoked chorizo and some cheese called Taramundi, after basically saying to the cheese shop lady, I´m not from round these parts.

I have a list of things to buy but it´s not as long as I thought it might be, some pans, some razors, a bit of soap, food. The apartment has towels, bedding, a telly that doesn´t get a single station. So for tomorrow I´ve got the todo list. It looks like this:

Buy phone SIM card Get work

I like to keep things simple.

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  1. Glad you got there safe, John. Stunning view. Hope you have your own letterbox…..

  2. Sounds good. I see from Flickr that the “hombre de la cuerda” is already checking that you brought your gear!

  3. You forgot to mention the skyline. Good to hear you arrived safely