And in an unrelated photo…

Maradona and Castro Originally uploaded by cardiffteam.

One of the things I like about teaching English, especially to adults, is that you get to learn stuff you never even thought about before. One of my students, who works for a big business software house, was telling me about his relatives. For some reason we got to talking about the first dead body we ever saw (it’s a conversation class, so we generally just do a lot of conversing, and you can cover a lot of ground in an hour and a half). He said his was his uncle, who had been a diplomat, and who had been thrown out of Cuba in the late fifties after slapping Fidel Castro during a panel discussion live on TV in South America. Another told me he might not make the next lesson because he had to go to Cadiz in the south because he’s the quality manager for an arms manufacturer and he has to go and supervise the firing tests… he said that they fire shells of up to 40km range, straight out into the sea, and that the fishermen in the area love it when they do live firing exercises because it makes the fishing just a matter of scooping up the fish afterwards.

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