Weathermen relax…

We’ll meet by the lake. Wait… you call that a lake? Originally uploaded by itsjustanalias.

The weathermen are looking a lot more relaxed these days. They don’t have as much to do, just point at the little sun icons and smile and say ‘hace calor’. In the last two weeks the weather map has gone from ‘covered in clouds and maximum of 20C in the south, 15C in the interior and the north’ to ‘maybe a little shower in Galicia, sun everywhere else and temperatures from 25C (here in the chilly north) to 35C in Andalucia’.

It’s like someone threw the switch marked ‘summer’. The cafes have each sprouted a couple more tables outside, the men seem to be wearing pink and orange a bit more, the girls are all in halter tops and the streets are much more crowded than before. People have even stopped carrying umbrellas. On the big satellite overview of Europe you can see all the cloud heading north of Spain (smack bang into the British Isles) as the jetstream does it’s annual migration. So barring thunderstorms and the odd bad day, I reckon the weathermen will be on short hours, kicking back with a cold beer on the roof of the Spanish equivalent of the Met Office building and watching Fast Show reruns (Scorchio, scorchio).

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