Mondays smell

Cubo Originally uploaded by _Germán_.

This is literally true. And the reason is this, bins are emptied every day (hear that Daily Mail reading, rat phobic biweekly bin collectees?). Every day. At around 8 in the evening the Cubo Express company drops off empty bins outside each building (including any recycling ones depending on the day) and at 11 or 11:30 the Oviedo Ecologico, or, Bin Men empty them. Then the empty bins are collected. It’s a fine system, most of the time.

The exception is Sunday. There’s no collection on Sunday so the kitchen bin with Sunday lunch stuff has to wait until monday evening. And if you had fish on Sunday that may be fish heads. And if you were out on Saturday and missed that collection you may have more odiforous fare.

Then on Monday night everyone empties their weekend’s bags, and if someone isn’t scrupuplous in checking for leaks before they leave the flat you might get fish juice leakage in the lift.

This can be problematic (it didn’t happen to me… I just needed the air freshner and a gas mask).

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