Hard on the boots

Another Sunday, another walk, this time up Peña Ubiña, which is one of the higher peaks in the cordillera, at 2417m.

We started with ‘gasoline’, well Pompayo, Julio and I had a little loosener (an oruxo, the schnappsy local spirit) before strolling up to the top. Okay, it was a little harder than a stroll and we split into the A and B groups at the base of the peak itself.

Us A groupers continued up (think of the final approach to Pen-y-ghent, only for 300m of ascent) steep limestone, with the odd big step, before reaching the ridge leading to the peak.

The views were absolutely stunning, from the plains of León to the South to the Picos in the East and the coastal hills to the North.

The descent was quite hard, the same route as the way up but with tired legs and the view of where you’d fall if you slipped.

As we got to the bottom, I noticed that this year’s been quite hard on my boots and I need to buy some new ones, this limestone is a bit rough at times.

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One Comment

  1. Enhorabuena John, una de las mejores cimas de la Cordillera por sus vistas. Seguro que identificaste La Mesa que escalamos hace unos meses.