
Winter has arrived. The forecasters seemed relieved that, after weeks of talking about storms in the South, they can get on and talk about proper weather, or, as they say with a gleam in their eyes, rain in the north. The cold front that came down from the UK earlier in the week brought rain and snow here too. Snow down to 800m, which is enough to close a good few roads and let TV reporters do their standing in front of weather stuff.

Although, it does seem to go to far. They spent ten minutes interviewing people the other day, all of whom basically said ‘it’s bloomin’ freezing’ in that surprised tone of voice I used to think was particularly British (Snow! who knew, I mean we had some last year and the year before that but I thought it would be different this time around… ).

The market stalls have added scarves to their massive selections of umbrellas, and Liz is knitting like a woman posessed (admittedly like a woman possessed by a knitting demon, possibly named Ethel). Still, the rain isn’t accompanied by much wind, which makes umbrellas less of challenge than they’d be in the UK, and they say the temperatures will be going up next week too.

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