Menu del dia

Detalle de los Callos de Bacalao con Boletus y Morcón Originally uploaded by jlastras.

Now that Liz is here, we have resumed our ongoing project to find the best lunch menu in town. It’s a difficult project but the rewards are excellent. On Friday (for the unwritten rules state that we can only do lunch one day a week, for wallet and waist related reasons) we tried a bar just round the corner, called Punto y Coma (full stop and comma: not anything to do with comas). I give a class at 3:30 on Fridays so we polled up at just before 2. This was a smart move because the tables were empty. Despite that, a lot of them had reserved signs so we ended up in the bar area rather than the restaurant. This wasn’t a bad thing, it let Liz examine the packed bar. Now, when I say packed bar, in Spain that seems to mean one deep, everyone with access to the bar itself, using it to rest their wine glasses, their plates of nuts, crisps, olives and hams, rather than an English packed bar which is basically a chaotically formed queue. Liz remarked on how well coiffed the ladies were and how smartly dressed everyone was (look at the shoes!!). We thought about this for a few minutes before figuring out that we were just round the corner from the centre of government of Asturias, and that this was probably the local for the local politicos and their staff.

The food was excellent, I started with callos with chickpeas… callos is a specific type of tripe, not something I’d normally go for, but hey… if you never try new stuff… Apparently this combination is typical in Madrid, the Asturians have a different serving method we’ll get to in the future. It was lovely, the tripe was in very small pieces so rather than rubbery, it melted in the mouth. Liz had a tuna and rice salad that came formed into a cube. Then Lubina (no idea what it translates as but it’s fish) while I tucked into chicken with garlic. My poor students… there was a ton of garlic, even the accompanying chips had a garlic flavour. After that we had a cream cheese with quince jelly dessert, and coffee. All for €10. At about nine that night Liz said ‘where shall we go next week?’

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  1. I have to ask……….what have you been doing that means you have to limit yourselves to one lunch a week???

    Not going for the “waif” look this year are you???

    Carrie B

  2. Oooops!! Sorry, should have said……

    Hi Babbets……long time no speak!

    Glad to see you’re having fun!!