
Chestnut drop in centre Originally uploaded by itsjustanalias.

Along the paseo de los alamos (the boulevard in front of the park) there are a number of art nouveau style ice cream stalls. In the past month a few of them have changed their spots and started sporting ‘castañas asadas’ signs. It’s chestnut season and, much like in the UK, a bag of roasted chestnuts is a fine autumn treat.

The old ladies in the outdoor bit of the market (the part where the local smallholders come in to sell whatever they have) is a good bellwether of the current state of veg. Things are turning green, not so many figs now, not so many lettuce or tomatoes. Now it’s more in the way of kale, cabbage and greens. But they all have a tray or two of chestnuts (and apples and pears still). Liz prefers to get her chestnuts from one particular old lady who looks about 300, thin and crooked with a deep lined face that suggests a lifetime of hard work. She stands a little apart from the other sellers, under a tree, next to her tartan shopping trolley and her only goods for sale. A mountain of chestnuts. Liz asked for half a kilo and she ‘misheard’ and sold us a kilo, but that was okay because they were delicious.

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