want eggs?

Day 23 (11.06.08): Al Mercado del Fontan Originally uploaded by ladykat.

Liz, being healthy and wise in these matters, buys a lot of fruit and veg. And, wanting to support the local economy, often buys them from the old girls outside the market on a Thursday or Saturday. A few weeks ago, as she was leaving, laden with kale, cabbage, potatoes and leeks, the lady she was buying from popped an egg in her pocket with a sort of knowing wink.

I think this was a code and we’ve now cracked it. The selling of eggs by these ladies is very furtively done. They keep them out of sight and they look around before actually getting them out. We think it’s not really allowed, maybe they’re only allowed to sell veg, and not even the broadest definition of the local law (unlike, for example, my definition of fruit to include cheese – fruit of the cow) let’s them do it openly, so they just ignore the rules and get on with it.

Yesterday Liz bought some eggs from one lady and later, as we were leaving, another quietly said ‘¿Quieres huevos?’

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