Not so religious…

Despite all of the religious processions and the solemnity of the Easter week happenings in León, what attracts many people there, according to our students, is the San Genarín parade. This is rather the opposite of the hooded penitents.

According to wikipedia  In 1929 on Maundy Thursday night, a poor alcoholic called Genaro Blanco was run over by the first rubbish truck in León. The procession consists of a march through the city bearing Orujo at the head of the procession; at the spot by the face of the city walls where the man was run over…

The procession has three main figures, el Genarín himself, in the photo, followed by death and finally a prostitute. After them comes a crowd of drunks piling round the city following the old feller’s example (I din’t see any rubbish trucks though). I took this shot at 12:40 or so, the cathedral square was packed, despite the showers, and the drinking continued in the old part of the city until the bars closed at five.

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