Fernando’s coming

I was waiting at the bus stop today, on my way to the pool (it’s cloudy but still warm enough to brave the outdoor pool) and after a while I thought ‘the bus is a bit late, that’s unusual.’ Then I noticed that attached to the bus stop on a scratty bit of paper, there was a notification that today and tomorrow a number of changes would take place to the bus schedules. So I walked.

En route, I saw why. Tomorrow, Fernando Alonso and the Renault F1 roadshow is in town. Well they’re in town now, putting blocks of concrete (on the radio they called them New Jersey Blocks, which I quite liked) and fencing around the 2km circuit. So no cars, no busses.

They’re expecting 100,000 people tomorrow. Alonso is from Oviedo, he’ll be driving last year’s F1 car. I have my earplugs…

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