
Julio, being keen, suggested another walk (truth be told, we were on a walk with the group when he presented us with a list of three options) for the long weekend (last Monday was a national holiday, El día de la hispanidad – the day of spanishitude).

We picked a short walk up a hill next to Covadonga, mainly to avoid having to get up too early. As we drove over there, looking at the mist, the low cloud and the drizzle suggested we might not have the best of weather.

Not a bit of it. Blazing sun, really rather hot… especially as we went down from the peak. Autumn has only just started here (it’s only in the last couple of days it’s been below 10C at night) and the trees were still pretty green. We did, however, have rather a lot of bounty to pick off the trees as we went. The cold winter last year seems to have been good for the figs, the pears, apples and the chestnuts.

The trees were groaning under the weight.

So we munched as we walked, then at the summit we looked down on the massive (for Asturias) traffic jam heading up to Covadonga, while munching some more. As we walked, we picked up chestnuts.

Julio likes a bit of ‘salt’ on his walks, and this time it was a new path (with a damn great sign saying ‘closed for building work’) that led to a dead end and a steep scree slope down to the road.

Still, at the end we had a couple of kilos of chestnuts and it was topped off with a stop at the Cheese of Eastern Asturias show in Cangas d’Onis and came home with more food than we started with.

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