Winter warmer

Chocolate con churros
Originally uploaded by correoscar.

After skiing on Saturday (along with the rest of the entire world, it seemed, thanks to the closure of the two other ski resorts in this neck of the woods… far too many people, low visibility and a ton of snowboarders made for an entertaining morning) and finally getting the internet sorted in the house) we had a fairly lazy day on Sunday. At six we decided to go for a stroll, taking cameras, and seeing what we could see.

Eventually we wound up on la losa (the slab), where there are some modern looking cubist flats built on a big slab over the railway lines. Large numbers of older folk were strolling, showing some fine suits, polished canes and enough fur keep the whole of Leeds warm.

At the bottom of one of these cubes (they actually look pretty good all lined up) there is a chocolate shop called Valor. Valor do some of the best chocolate there is, hot chocolate, which I never used to like because it was milk and cocoa powder (an abomination). This is more like chocolate, but melted. Ahhh.

Valor is decorated in a very traditional style, in contrast to its surroundings. Inside it’s marble and cane backed chairs and every table full of chatting folk all tucking in to chocolate and churros.

Rather bad for you if you eat them too often, but every now and again, rather fine.

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One Comment

  1. Just drooling. Glad t'internet is back.