I have been working, it’s just I’ve been in the dark…

young couple in the park
Parque San Francisco, Oviedo, 2009

I’ve just updated my photo website with a series of pictures taken in the park in the middle of Oviedo. I have a set of prints from this work that I’m pretty happy with, and I’ve got to go out and do some more now the weather is good for park-sitting. Ricardo scanned the negatives and did the hard labour of making them presentable (as they are to appear on the student’s part of his website). I stood to one side and nodded.

I did do the incredibly difficult task of shrinking them and putting them on the server.

I’ve been playing for the last few days getting my new toy (an old iMac) full of my data and learning all about the command button and how we have to do things in Jobsworld… it’s shiny (the mac, or Jobsworld, take your pick).

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