Life in Jobsworld

I entered Jobsworld with the new (secondhand) iMac and apart from the general shinyness and it-just-works feeling I encountered the downside.

My cowon i7 audio player (which I bought because my old rio Karma didn’t play nice with linux) is not recognised at all by the new toy. Not at all, not even as a drive (which the website claims it should be, in very small print, possibly followed by a ‘maybe’ with an invisible tag. We don’t watch a lot of telly, but we do listen to a fair number of podcasts, just going to work I usually walk about four miles a day, and listening to In Our Time is a distinct pleasure.

three mp3 players

The rio, the i7 and the ipod touch

So this state of affairs could not continue. At the same time my ebook reader (which was genuinely lovely to read on) developed a display fault, the fault being that the display looked like one big bar code which, when reported to the manufacturer, elicited a gallic shrug and an estimated repair cost of €lots (well, that’s the downside of living on the weeping edge (like the bleeding edge but it’s become infected and all gooey) of technology.

Putting both of these things together I thought, well you’re in Jobsworld, why not go all the way to the light/dark side (delete as appropriate [and as an aside to the aside about sides, is the opposite of the dark side actually called the light side?]). I wandered along to the apple shop and looked at the ipod touch, read up on whether I could use it to read my ebooks (I can but I’ll have to break the law and remove the DRM from some of my books if I want to continue reading them), I could.

I bought one, the cheapest one, 8GB, for about €50 more than the repair cost of my ebook reader.

And it’s good, very good, blimey there’s a lot of stuff there for it. So Liz bought one as well (her little netbook is in the shop (still under warranty) because the flash drive went belly up). I wouldn’t say I’m smitten but I’m certainly have a fine platonic relationship with my apple setup.

Now, any recommendations for apps?

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  1. Mmmmm. Dark side have you entered. Mmmm. Microsoft will you be using next, the Force will you have to use…..

  2. well if Microsoft make those double ended lightsabres I would seriously consider a career in the Sith… although they’d probably give you the BSOD in the midst of a battle.

  3. I wrote a comprehensive rebuttal of all your arguments using my character-based linux browser, but failed to post it becuase I got one of the command-line switches wrong. (I think there’s a sticky key on my teletype terminal). I have posted you the hard-copy, without affixing a stamp, as a mild form of reprimand.