A very English legacy

Why do banks have all the lights Originally uploaded by itsjustanalias.

So: you’re in a new place and you speak enough of the language to get around but not enough to actually, you know, engage in any sort of banter that would be beyond the average 5 year old. Back home you have this enormous store of knowledge, from personal experience, from TV, from friends, from everywhere. You know certain things without even knowing you know. Even if you last got a bus in 1978 you know that you pay the driver, you can say how much the fare is or where you’re going (except Londoners, you and your fancy conductors are special). Before you try something as simple as using the bus I wonder, do you ever think, what if it’s different? What if they use tokens? What if there’s a machine and you have to use the correct change? What if the driver doesn’t understand? WHAT IF PEOPLE STARE?

Or for instance, what if you go to the swimming baths and you have to have flip-flops or something similar? What if you have to wear a swimming cap? What if you inadvertantly start swimming in the wrong direction? What if you have to wear a pair of speedos four sizes too small (I’m thinking of you here France)? WHAT IF PEOPLE STARE?

And then, after the agonising five minutes of what if, you go ahead and use the bus, and go for a swim and find out that anywhere in the city is 85 centavos, and that you only need a cap, that the nice lifeguard will lend you, and you have an olympic sized lane to yourself, and that nobody bats an eye. Then you might feel a little foolish and people can tell that and they’ll know you’re different and THEY’LL STARE…

Or not. Because, well, it’s just not a big deal.

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  1. … or it could have been the ‘kick me’ sign you had on your back……..

  2. Jon, they’re not staring, they’re just looking. Looking is no big deal in Spain. No pasa nada. Watch how they do it then try it yourself, though maybe better to start someplace other than the swimming pool ;) – Dom