Yuppi – yippee!

On the block, about six doors down the hill is a strange hybrid called Yuppi. I’ve noticed a few in the city, it’s a mixture of bakery, newsagents, cafe bar and fast food place. In the entrance you can buy magazines, papers, bread, rotisseried chicken, DVDs and the like, in the back there’s a shiny bar and restaurant area. The wood is lighter in colour than a lot of the bars and there’s a ton of shiny brass but it’s essentially the same as a thousand other city bars. The fine thing about Yuppi is that it’s open early and late, and on Sunday afternoons/evenings, which is not as common as you might think. I walked past on Saturday morning, at about 9am and in the window there was a couple, he was on coffee she was on beer, and it was pretty obvious that they were just finishing off their night out. They were still there an hour later, still with the same drinks in front of them. At other times it’s full of workers having a quick coffee at 11 or with the older ladies having their merienda (afternoon tea). They do breakfasts, including cooked ones, which I haven’t tried yet, they disguise the fact by calling them brunch but bacon, eggs, black pudding and bread is a breakfast in my book.

I went in today for a quick coffee, sitting at the bar, with the only English book I brought with me, and I was a tiny bit hungry so I had a slice of tortilla, which came with bread. That and the coffee came to €2.25, I’m pretty sure that sort of thing is why Starbucks isn’t on every corner (that and the Spanish would not know what to do with a decaf-skinny-frappa-latte-chino with hazelnut and caramel other than laugh at it; I sincerely hope that’s the case at any rate… but what with the lamentable lacke of taste displayed nightly on TV I’m not so sure).

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  1. hi you do seem to manage to find great local places.have you now managed to get a signal on your T V.?

  2. That last comment was from Mrs Geoff this one is from me. Haven’t you got anything better to do than sit in that bar all day clocking all the customers in and out? Lucky sod!!!

  3. >>lacke of taste displayed nightly on TV…

    Seek out “Los Hombres de Paco” – Dom