Dammit Jim I have job to do…

Glassy square Originally uploaded by itsjustanalias.

it’s not the chief medical officer on the Enterprise, oh no, but a mere week after arriving I’ve taken my first classes here. The majority of institutes I wandered into were like kindergartens, crayoned pictures on the walls and bright colours, tiny chairs… I was beginning to be a little concerned (for purely practical reasons… I have no experience teaching the tots). But one of the schools seemed to be more focussed on adults and they were very keen to get me to work for them (maybe because they pay less than the others but there’s a complicated formula to work out when you consider taking an offer which is based on how much lesson planning you have to do… also no one else had asked). They said they do stuff in companies, and for that you get double (for the travelling time), they do some classes for business high-ups and they’re usually at 8am for which they pay double (either getting up pay or going to bed early pay). Both of those scenarios are fine with me, I was doing both in BA without any extra money, and when I think of those three hours a day on the bus…

So I’ve got two students already and a very short probationary period (I think it’s over: they like me). When I say yes I’ll be getting a contract then I have the joy of obtaining a Spanish social security number. I have a feeling that might make its way into a blog entry…

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  1. Fantastic news, John! Just one week to find work – is it a record?!

  2. Hi uncle john I like your bit titled Yuppi -yippee I think it is great.love Amy