

One of the things that I thought I might miss was the easy access to new music. Given that we don’t have internet in the house (in Spanish, it’s just internet, not the internet, which is the opposite of most cases). Well, I needn’t have worried on that score. I’ve been listening to Where’s the Skill in That on Resonance fm (it’s the current home of the presenters of Mixing it from radio 3) and there are old shows available for download. I listen to the shows as I walk up to the hospital (to teach the doctors) and later on go to eMusic to download albums from groups I like the sound of (which I pay for). At the moment I’m listening to an album by AU, and it’s dreamy Portland collectivist fun. The Spanish radio stations are a little too top forty for me, with the exception of radio 3 (who’d have guessed?) which often demonstrates a satisfyingly ecclectic taste.

As well as the music, the BBC’s current podcast range is very welcome, including the world service documentaries. It seems that with all that, and the guardian weekly, we manage to get all the news and music that we want without having to wade through and filter out all the celebrity dross.

Which is nice.

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One Comment

  1. Hi You Two,

    Just catching up…
    Southerners with Geordie accents…EXCUSE ME… but canna be done pet!!
    Love the idea of the brolly bags.
    And as for Oscars…errr, what are those then? You know me – don’t go there!
    However my sister tells me that Slimdog Millionaire is up for the BAFTAs (??) We went to see it lastnight, and before that we saw The Boy in The tripped Pyjamas…both excellent.

    Enough rambling……as if!! Hope your both having fun.

    Carrie B xx