
Cova had recommended a restaurant, they do four things there, she had said, and it’s not very posh. Our sort of place, it seemed.

It was called La Taberna Gallega (The Galician Tavern) and they did more than four things (but not by much). We went with Maria Jesus and Covadonga, who pointed out that the place was so basic that they didn’t even put tablecloths out (not even the paper ones).

The four things they do are Pulpo (octopus), Calamares (Squid), Vino de ribeira (Galician white wine) and bread. Cova suggested that we ordered pulpo without potatoes, because you get more pulpo. It came on the wooden platters we’ve seen before, sprinkled with paprika. A slice of bread (the size and shape of a quarter of a panetone) came along with it. The wine was served in a white ceramic jar and we had ceramic cups for the wine that reminded me of delicate japanese tea cups (so no handles).

The combination was excellent, the wine’s not premier quality but it’s slight sourness goes very well with the pulpo. The calamares were the best I’ve ever had, soft and sweet.

We ummed and ahhed over what else to have, before settling on rabo (pigs tail) rather than oreja (pigs ear). Pigs tails are tasty, if a little fatty too.

As we ate the place filled up, and by the time we left they were two deep at the bar, waiting for tables.

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  1. Despite your eloquence I am still not convinced about the rubber fish eating that you favour so much.

  2. rubber fish? Geoff you MUST try squid and octopus, or better don´t try it, there will be more for us ;)

  3. It’s probably a lost cause… but I like the upside: more for me!

  4. John, you can have my portion too!

  5. Don’t eat my share of the seafood, but I won’t be wanting the pig’s tail