Current reading list

Cover from “El circo del Desaliento” version 02 Originally uploaded by david rubín.

Anyone who knows me more than a little will know that I read a bit. Okay, that should be a lot. I read a lot. So I just thought I’d share what my current ‘on the go’ pile looks like. I’m trying to read in Spanish but I don’t always stick to the plan.

El circo del Desaliento (The circus of discouragement: the photo is the cover) by David Rubín. This is the second of his I’ve read recently, the first was the fantastic ‘La tetería del Oso Malayo’ (The teahouse of the Malasian bear). He’s a Galician whose stories tend to mix pathos, loss, missed opportunities with a bit of hope and optimism somewhere in there (sometimes very far in there). If you see any of his stuff in translation it’ll be worth looking at.

Mafalda: Cova lent me a massive tome with all of the Mafalda strips which ran from the mid sixties to the mid seventies in Argentina.

No he venido aquí a hacer amigos (I didn’t come here to make friends, misadventures of an IT consultant): I was in the library and trying to avoid anything which looked like literature. This one begins with the protagonist driving north with his dead boss in the passenger seat of his BMW… the Spanish is not too difficult either.

El principito (The Little Prince): this was from leer-e, a Spanish e-book site. It’s many many years since I read the original.

The Ungoverned by Vernor Vinge: He’s a visionary SF writer, and this is the second in a series based firmly in the extrapolation of certain physics ideas. Mind expanding.

How to play blues ukulele. Pretty self explanatory really, gotta have a hobby.

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One Comment

  1. John,
    The books I believe totally…….just think of Boston!
    But the ukulele?? OK, OK. I'm trying to picture it but George Formby keeps popping into my mind!!
    Now falling over due to bouts of hysterical laughter!! Sorry! xoxo
