Mi enemigo

It started a couple of weeks ago. I stepped out onto the terrace to read in the sunlight (for a few minutes before anyone gets any ideas about me actually sunbathing). Seconds later there was a squawk and it came, swooping down from the sky, making that awk awk sound and crapping.

The same thing happened the next time.

And the next…

I had a nemesis.

Nemesis the seagull. He’s there now, on the top of the crane opposite. He’s a bit protective of his territory, and he’s decided, without consulting me, that his territory includes my terrace. As soon as he spots me his neck extends and he gives a warning squawk. If I stand my ground he seems to shrug his birdy shoulders as if to say ‘I’ve told him a million times, but he just won’t listen’ and drops off his perch. He dive bombs and squawks and craps and doesn’t get bored of it.

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One Comment

  1. What you need to do is borrow a big, hungry, fowl-loving bruiser of a cat. Give him a nice soft cushion on the terrace…and let battle commence!!!

    Carolynne xoxo