Posts Tagged ‘evans’


Liz’s parents came over at the weekend for a brief visit, so we did the ‘introduction to Asturias’ weekend which goes something like this:

Dinner at a Sidreria (a cider house) where they could see the traditional cider pouring going on, and try some of the forty different cheeses from the region.

A walk up to the mountains for a dinner of Pote or Fabada followed by stewed kid.

A coastal walk with the walking group.

A few hours spent strolling round the city, having the odd beer, coffee, watching the pipers and going round the market.

Taking the sun on the terrace and watching the building work going on opposite.

They really enjoyed it, and will be back for more in June. I came down with something on Saturday night, Liz claimed it was visitor flu, and had to miss the walk on Sunday. I worked Monday and Tuesday but I’ve given in and taken today off.

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