Posts Tagged ‘holidays’


You realise of course that while we’re here, it’s hot and sunny back home? Originally uploaded by itsjustanalias.

There appear to be two main groups of tourists wandering the streets of Oviedo; Northerners and Southerners.

Southerners appear to be Spanish, visiting the funny Asturians looking at bagpipe players, drinking cider, eating fabada and generally having a fine time while wearing a couple of extra layers of clothing and handling an umbrella with a dazed expression (rain? in May? all week?).

Northerners appear to be English, German, Dutch or American, and are easily identified by their readiness to wear spaghetti strap tops, flip-flops, shorts and other summer items while the temperature hovers around 17C and everyone else is debating whether to wear the fur coat or the leather jacket. They can also have a dazed expression (we’re in Spain? But it’s pissing down!).

Ne’er cast a clout ’till May is out, they say in Yorkshire. Well here the saying translates as: Don’t take your coat off until the fortieth of May.

Apologies to the Wyke clan who spent a chilly weekend in Asturias while the UK had the warmest days of the year so far.

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