Posts Tagged ‘wine’


Minimalist wine Originally uploaded by Bald Monk.

The other day Liz came back from the supermarket, I had rustled something up from the veg in the kitchen and some meatballs from the market.

“I got the expensive wine today”

Oh? I asked, how much?


We have both noticed people buying cheap wines in the supermarket, but there’s an inbuilt aversion, it seems, to buying wine that would be less than £1.50 a bottle. So many other people can’t be wrong (well, they can of course, but when it comes to wine the risks are pretty small). So: Liz had spotted one of the neighbours buying a couple of bottles of this €1.80 wine and decided to have some too. And it was pretty good. Admittedly the meatballs had more garlic in than a garlic factory on garlic delivery day, so our taste buds might not have been in the very best of tasting condition, but the wine went down pretty well.

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